Follow our adventure raising Sophia from baby, to sassy young thing. Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, October 27, 2006

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Fasten your seatbelts-

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!

We'll post the picture tonight or tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The belly is bigger, and the button is flatter

Here's my changing shape at 20 weeks:

Now I only look fat in gym clothes- the rest of the time, I'm startin' to look like a pregnant lady. The husband insists I "only look pregnant from the side." He's nice for saying that.

You can also see that my belly button is rapidly disappearing:

There are parts of my navel exposed to air now that I never knew existed. Let me tell you, when they become exposed- they are sensitive!!

The baby started to kick about 2 weeks ago. I feel lots of squimies and pokes and prods. On October 18 (the day after our anniversary) the muffin kicked so hard that the Husband could feel it. He was so surprised, you would have thought I was the one who kicked him.

As just about everyone knows, we go for the "big ultrasound" on Thursday, the 26th. Hopefully, if the muffin cooperates, we'll get to know if it is a "he" or a "she." We both want to know, because, well, gender neutral is lame. Right? So- stay tuned for details. I'll be updating the blog around 10am my time on Thursday. We probably won't have time to call EVERYONE right after the appointment (I know, you're shocked- how can it be that everyone we know ISN'T at the top of the call list???). But as soon as I get to the office, I'll be posting an update