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Sunday, May 20, 2007

Sophia at ten weeks

Another month has passed, and Sophia is a completely different child. She has gotten so much bigger and filled out. In addition to the physical changes, her personality is really starting to develop. She is a VERY happy baby and a real morning person. She definitely recognizes her mommy and daddy now and greets us both with big, gummy grins.

I can't help it if I'm adorable...(Sophia at 7 weeks)

Sophia loves to stare at the ceiling fan and out the window. She takes in everything around her- we call it "thoughtful Sophia."

Sophia also had her 6 week check up with the pediatrician- which means her first round of shots. That lead to her first fever. Ugh. As if watching her get stuck in the thighs FOUR times wasn't enough, our poor Sophia was miserable for two days. And do you know what an infant fever means? Yup- your favorite and mine- taking a rectal temperature. I never thought I would have to stick something up someone's butt so many times...

Believe it or not, Sophia is already sleeping through the night. Starting between 6-8 weeks, the sleeping became longer and longer. She doesn't even wake for a feeding anymore. I had forgotten the luxury of sleeping long stretches. In fact, I'm still unable to sleep through the night (but I'm working very, very hard on remembering). However, as a trade off for sleeping so well at night, Princess Fussy Pants wakes to greet the day at approximately 5:50 am each day. This makes for a very long day for the Husband and I. But we're getting used to it.

Chillin' with daddy at 7 weeks

There continue to be lots of firsts and developments. Sophia's head and neck are getting stronger and stronger, and she's able to support herself more and more each day. This allows for some very cute photo opportunities.

Sitting like a little big girl in a very big chair at 8 weeks.

Sophia also received and invitation to and attended her first birthday party. Second only to the birthday girl, Sophia was just the cutest.

So pleased with herself at 9 weeks

I was lucky enough to celebrate my first mothers day. I still sort of can't get over the shock of that I was on the receiving end of mother's day, rather than merely the giving end. The Husband surprised me with a beautiful gift of Sophia's birthstone. It was so nice to receive so many phonecalls from friends and family wishing me a happy first mother's day. Thank you to all for thinking of me.

Mommy and Sophia at 9 weeks, on Mother's Day

To celebrate, we spent the day with family. Sophia met her granny and her new cousin, Zoe, who is 8 weeks younger than Sophia. Because most of my family lives far from me, it was really nice to spend the day with the Husband's family.

Sophia and Granny at 9 weeks

Sooooo tired

Since Granny is in town for a longer visit, she brought Zoe over to our house for an official play date. There wasn't much playing, more like pooping, crying and eating. But it was still nice to see Granny. I don't know if you can tell from these pictures, but Zoe is nearly as long as Sophia is! She is going to be TALL!!

Oh yes, there was sleeping, too.

Sadly, I'm going back to work soon. I will miss spending all day with Sophia, but it's just the way things have to go. Maybe when that money tree we planted starts growing, I'll quit my job.....