The best part about having a baby is that every day there is something new. A new noise, a new face, a new ability- everyday is a surprise. The last three weeks have proven this to be true. Sophia is getting bigger and bigger and stronger and stronger.

15 weeks
She now weighs 13 lbs and is 24 inches long. According to the doctor, this puts her in the 75th percentile for height. As you all know, The Husband and I are shorties, so this is very amusing to us both.
Sophia is making lots of noises, and is grabbing at and for everything. Then whatever she manages to get her hands on goes in her mouth. And she's a drooling machine. I know what you're saying- she's teething. Well, baby got no teeth so far (that joke is for Deana).

How does that hand taste?? (15 weeks)

(15 weeks)

Both pics at 16 weeks
The most exciting thing for me is that Sophia has started solid foods. Althought you're "supposed" to start solids at six months, Sophie started waking up EVERY night in the middle of the night to eat. It was killing me. After talking to the pediatrician, we decided that Sophie can have some cereal at breakfast and at night. It works on keeping her asleep about 75% of the time. Now she wakes up to eat in the middle of the night every couple of nights. I guess I'll take what I can get.

(17 weeks)

(18 weeks)
Sophia is also woking on rolling over. She can roll on her side with no problem. She loves to roll on her side the most on the changing table, and on the kitchen island when we're getting her ready to get in the tub or fresh out of the tub. So basically, any time and place where rolling on her side risks rolling off a high table onto the hard floor. Rolling from tummy to back, or vice versa, is something else. I've seen her roll onto her back once. Naturally, I didn't have the camera. She's done it a few other times, everytime I've been out of the room- going to get the camera. Hopefully soon she'll get this rolling thing down, and I'll capture it on film.

(18 weeks)
She's still a wiggle worm- trying to spring from our arms and out any chair or swing we put her in. Strapping her into things is an offical necessity now.

Hanging out...

Reading with daddy

too young to teach her how to examine the cork????
(all pics at 18 weeks)
Work is still exhausting, but it's getting better. The highlight of my day is still picking Sophia up at the end of it to bring her home. All week long The Husband and I look forward to the weekend- when we get to spend two WHOLE days with our "beh-beh girl."
I'll be posting even more pictures soon. Sophia's cousin Zoe is coming over tomorrow, and I promised my mom I would take lots of photos of the two cousins. I can't wait to see how big Zoe is now!!