Follow our adventure raising Sophia from baby, to sassy young thing. Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

TWO bunny teeth

Tooth number Two was right behind the first. I thought I'd share the cutest picture ever of MAH BEH BEH and her two teeth:

So the lady who watches Sophia went on vacation for 10 days (lucky...), so my mom came out from Chicago for a week to hang out with Sophia. They had a blast together. Sophia went for walks, and to the park and sang and danced for her Nana (well, to Nana it was singing and dancing, so that's what counts, right?)
Sophia and her Nana

Because my mom was staying with us, it allowed The Husband and I to have our first night out without The Baby. For those of you who are curious- that would be the first night out since JANUARY. It was fantastic having my mom watch Sophia for the night. I didn't worry at all - which made it soooo much easier to enjoy my wine.....
Dressed to go out...that top is silk and WAS clean....

And for those of you who follow these things- I had ANOTHER birthday. Twenty nine again. How do these things happen and why do they keep happening? I'm sure I will be just as amazed when I turn twenty-nine next year.
It wasn't the greatest of birthdays- The Husband had to work all weekend, and my mom had to go back to Chicago. But I looked good:

My brother Martin suggested I have a "mulligan" birthday- a do-over in order to have a better celebration. I think he's on to something. He even offered to call me up on my do-over birthday if I tell him the date in advance. Isn't that nice?

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


On August 29, Sophia cut her first tooth. The Husband and I were very excited and emailed everyone. So naturally, I wanted to preserve this moment on film.

Have you ever tried to get a baby to open their mouth for a picture? Impossible. So, here's how my efforts went....

Me: Sophia, open your mouth so mommy can take a picture of your new tooth.
Sophia: No mommy. (Yes, I know she didn't say exactly that, but look at that face. I knew what she meant.)

Me: Oh come on, Sophia. Let me see that tooth!
Sophia: NO MOMMY.

Undeterred, I played with her and tickled her until I managed to get this picture:

Now, I think that's a picture of the tooth. The Husband thinks that is a picture of a big spit bubble on her gums. Maybe it's a spit bubble on the tooth? You be the judge.

But today- today I managed to snap a great picture. You may not be able to see the tooth here, but click on the picture and let it take up your screen and you will definitely be able to see Sophia's first tooth.

Yay for bunny teeth!!