Sophia has been VERY busy. She is now cruising around the house like a champ. On a good day, she only needs to hold one finger on one of your hands to balance herself and she can walk around the whole house. She's able to get herself from sitting to standing unassisted now. This means that she is into EVERYTHING. We're going to be on lock down soon, as it's only a matter of time before she can reach the doorknobs and let herself out into the world.
Let's see...what else is Sophia into... well, there's classic TV shows
Exploring the kitchen to try new foods:
She's practicing her future "tough biker chick" face
In addition to raising her eyebrow just like daddy, she's now imitating the dirty looks mommy gives people:
Sophia is even starting to develop her own interests and opinions. Just the other day, she had some GREAT ideas about re-organizing the kitchen...
She even has an opinion on what kind of wine we should be drinking with dinner..
She's even starting to care about her looks! Sophia experiments with a classic hairstyles such as pigtails:
Or a nod to 80's punk with a mohawk (move over Maddox Jolie Pitt- your hair is sooo last year)
Inspired by Christian on Project Runway, Sophia even rocks a Flock of Seagulls 'do. She explains how to style her hair JUST SO. (did you know that baby food makes a powerful styling product? it does! )
(please insert your best John Travolta "why do you always got to mess with my hair?" from Saturday Night Fever here)
But in all honesty, the most exciting development of the week was Sophia taking her first real steps. I'm talking getting up from a sitting position and taking a step towards me. It was really great to see. Oh, and what was I doing to encourage my child to walk? Um, yeah. I was sitting on the floor of the kitchen with a tablespoon and an open carton of Hagen Daaz Vanilla Bean- offering to share my treat. We're real classy here, sitting on the floor, eating out of containers and sharing utensils. Yeeeahh. Nice parenting on my part if I say so myself- and kudos to the kid for being motivated by ice's not like she's the first girl to get off her butt for good food.