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Monday, March 31, 2008

The latests stats

Sophia had her 1 year pediatrician visit last Friday. She is 29 and1/4 inches tall, 21 lbs. That puts her smack dab in the middle- not too big, not too small.

During the visit, Sophia impressed everyone by walking into the exam room herself- everyone smiled at her. Being wary of strangers and not quite sure of what was going on, Sophia did not return any of the smiles.

Sadly, Sophia got 2 shots. One in the leg and one in her arm. That was awful. You know its bad when the nurse tells you to hold your child tight and restrain her arms and legs- this one's going to hurt. (um, the medical field NEVER admits that something's going to hurt...I thought that was the rule...) So, Sophie cried and cried, but then it was over. She cried again when I took the band-aids off that night.

Then, the real fun began- vaccine fevers! Whoo hoo! I'm sure people thought The Husband and I were crazy- touching Sophie's head, her arms, her neck...putting our lips on her head to see how hot she was. We couldn't leave that poor kid alone. It took a looong time (and a call to the afterhours dr. service) to get the fever down. Plus, I think it made Sophie a little funky- she really didn't want to eat all weekend and she didn't sleep well. The Husband and I are sort of zombies today. Coffee is my friend.....hmmmmmm delicious coffeeeeeeeee.....

But other than that, Sophia is good. I will post pictures from Easter in the next few days. Mah beh-beh had the cutest little easter dress on...and then she had the most fun ever later that day. Wait till you see.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Big steps, little steps

Sophia is walking more and more on her own. It just feels like it happened overnight. I feel like it was yesterday that I was wondering if she was EVER going to roll over on her back or on to her tummy. Now, I'm waiting for her to walk out of the house on her own.

Pictures from Sophia's Birthday Party

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Happy First Birthday

yes, I'm 9 days late, but I just took all the pictures off of my camera.

Last Monday was Sophia's first birthday. To tell the truth, we didn't do anything that day to celebrate (other than dress her in a "birthday princess" shirt). Why? Well, it was Monday, and she's one and didn't care.

But last Saturday, we threw Baby's First Birthday Bash with the PRETTIEST invitations you ever saw and coordinating plates and napkins and all that girly stuff. (True story: I couldn't find pink forks. Pink spoons and knives- yes. But no forks. The Husband says: Do you really need pink forks? Me: OF. COURSE.)

I will post more pictures tonight, a collage of all the party fun. But here's an indication of how much fun Sophia had:

Oh yeah, good times.
She eventually cheered up and enjoyed her paaaar-tay.