Follow our adventure raising Sophia from baby, to sassy young thing. Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, June 27, 2008

What can I say? I'm trying to win some stuff...

Win the Essential Babywearing Stash from Along for the Ride (one Beco Butterfly, one Hotsling baby pouch, one BabyHawk Mei Tai, one Zolowear Ring Sling, and one Gypsy Mama Wrap)

The Husband and I both loved "wearing" Sophia when she was a baby. Each of us had a sling style carrier, and we had it with us at all times. Sophia would instantly calm down and sleep when slung (which is how I got to go to the grocery store, or run the vaccuum). This contest will give me a free entry in the drawing if I put their link on my blog. So there you go. Can you blame me?? Look at those carriers- they are niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Mah Beh Beh is sooooo smart! And a confession, of sorts

Most people who read this blog know that I have a lengthy work history in retail. Part of that time was spent in children's retail. As a result, I've had the opportunity to see how lots of different people act with their kids. I'm no expert, and I've certainly not taken any child development courses at community college or anything, but, having come from a big family and being around alot of kids, I've managed to form some impressions.

And I think my kid is pretty smart.

Now, I know, I know- EVERYONE THINKS THEIR KID IS SMART. Everyone. And it doesn't matter what their kid is or is not doing, their kid is a genius. (insert eye roll here)

But now I have confirmation that mah beh beh is smart. The pediatrician said so! Professional confirmation even! Sophia had her 15 month check up and the dr. asked about her verbal skills. I guess at 15 mos, they only expect kids to say "mama", "dada" and a few other words. The Husband and I explained that Sophia can say about a dozen words, and proceeded to list them (animal sounds did not make this list, although, I feel that they deserve to). Mr. Pediatrician was VERY impressed and said that Sophia was "advanced" verbally. Oh such the proud mommy moment for me. Mah beh beh is soooooooooooooooooooo smart!!! I bragged aloud to myself all weekend.

One other big thing has been brewing in our little family. My belly. I've told lots of people personally, but it hasn't made the blog yet. "Neveu baby" is about to become "Neveu babies." Sophia is going to be a big sister this November. We find out what we're having next month. Part of me is still in shock that The Husband and I are about to be blessed with another child. Considering the exhaustion and aches and pains I've been experiencing, I should be in full blown acceptance by now. But we're both very excited. Sophia still doesn't "know" yet....and I'm not sure when to tell her. I suppose she'll be told when I think she'll understand. But not yet.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The difference a year makes

There has been lots going on in our house. Sophia has gotten all four of her molars in the last 6 weeks or so. The last one cropped in just 2 days ago. Overall, it was uncomfortable, but she didn't seem too distressed.

Sophia is fully mobile now. She runs (not walks, runs) forwards, can walk backwards, sideways and spins in circles. She will not do much of this on command.

If degrees were given in the art of saying "No", my child would be a candidate for a masters degree by now. She says no, and says it clearly and in the correct context. She does not, ever, say yes. Sometimes, she will shake her head, but I think that is unintentional right now.

Sophia's verbal skills are definitely progressing. She can pick out certain objects in her books (the dog, cat, bear, lamb, horse) and can tell you what sound they make. Her favorite animal right now is the doggie, which, so you know, goes "oof, oof." She can say "please" (if you make her say it) and we're working on "thank you."

I've been a little reflective lately on how much Sophia has changed in the past year, how far she has come. So, for your viewing enjoyment, I bring you where we were last June:

Sophie now has about 10 lbs on Chloe. The swing had to be put away awhile ago, because Sophie was too big and heavy for it. I miss the swing sometimes.

The baby food had to be given away, and the last can of formula was purchased three months ago. Sophia will eat whatever table food that she is allowed and/or she can get her hands on (as you've probably guessed, these are sometimes two different things). She drinks out of a sippy cup and a straw like a big girl. She loves fresh berries, bread, pasta and green beans. She's still the happiest, most pleasant child ever (when she's not screaming in indignant frustration at the cruelty and unfairness that surround her).

Then and now:

My baby is getting so big! But she will always, always be my baby.