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Monday, September 04, 2006

Beh-Beh's second picture, and I am getting lumpy

We had our 2nd of 3 ultrasounds last week. The purpose of the ultrasound was purely medical- take some measurements to make sure the beh-beh doesn't have a scary genetic disorder. It looks like this beh-beh of ours is fine. However, he/she wouldn't truly cooperate with the doctor. The doctor needed a perfect profile. As you might be able to tell, he/she decided to turn his/her back on us. The beh-beh's way of saying "I really don't care what you want." I'm relieved to see he/she has my attitude!

Also, as I sit here, today is the last "official" day of the first trimester. The big scary parts are over. However, parts of me are going to get big and scary!! So I decided it was time for the first official belly picture. I swear, three months ago, I had a flat stomach- I swear!!

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