Follow our adventure raising Sophia from baby, to sassy young thing. Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, November 20, 2006

Someone Could Have Warned Me

So here's how I look at 24 weeks:

Looking more and more like I'm hiding a basket ball under my shirt. Overall, I feel pretty good.

So by now, everyone knows that we're having a girl. We've decided to name her Sophia. We're pretty sure we've picked out a middle name, but we've decided not to share that information with everyone- yet. There still needs to be some surprises, right?

Well, Sophia is shaping up to be one powerful girl. She is kicking the crap out of my insides (well, not literally, but I think you know what I mean) on a daily basis. Today she stretched out so hard that I thought she would break thru the top of my uterus. It brough tears to my eyes, and not the tears of joy. Tears of pain. Lots of kicks and squirmies and hiccups sometimes. The Husband has been able to feel her too. I think he is just as amazed as I am when he can feel her kick right into his hand.

But while Sophia is busy growing and stretching, other interesting things continue to happen to my once sassy figure. I've been documenting the disappearance of my belly button with some sadness. Last year, I had the cutest belly button. Slowly, it has left my body.

I was hoping that it would merely unravel and flatten out- leaving a smooth surface. But that does not seem to be the case. I am going to have the turkey timer belly button. It's coming, and this bun is not nearly ready to come out of the oven.

I always thought that I would just wake up one day to find that my button had "popped." Sort of like the jack in the box toy from when I was little that played "Pop goes the weasel" when you turned the crank (sing along with me in your head- do de do de dooodleedo do de do de dooooodo do de do de dodleedeedo POP do de do do).

Yeah, not so much.

My button is popping out in slow motion, starting at the top. The result is a very sad looking, lopsided button. See for your self:

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