Currently, I'm starting my 27th week. Depending who you ask, this either puts me in the last week of the 2nd trimester, or the first week of the third trimester. Either way, there are only about 90 days to my due date. YIKES! March is going to be here before you know it, and the Husband and I are not nearly ready yet.
But come January, there will be a flurry, yes a flurry! of activity. Painting, decorating, baby-proofing, and classes. Just when I thought I was done with going to school, I have to register for classes. And FYI- registering for baby classes is no different than registering for college courses. It's still the same considerations- what day is the class on? What time does it start? Does this interfere with other things I have scheduled? (only now, I'm no longer scheduling classes around All My Children or 50 cent beer nights....I know- the good old days) Strangely, now I WANT Saturday classes- who would have thought that could happen.....
Here are some pictures for your pleasure. They were taken last week (week 26), but I'm just getting around to uploading them now. As you can see, Sophia is taking up more and more space. She is getting more and more active (or feisty, as some have insisted on referring to it) and that is all a good thing. Movement equals healthy baby. Now if I could just get the Cats to understand that my expanding belly is not their private pillow, all will be good.
One from the side:

Taken at 26 weeks. No doubt about it- I am not fat. Pregnant, definitley pregnant.
A real eyeful of "the belleh" and all my lovely pasty-ness. Please don't suggest I get some sun, it's fruitless.

I don't' walk around like this, I swear.
Honestly- it's just going from bad to worse. Everyday is an adventure, but my belly button really takes the cake. It's not the turkey timer yet, but it's working on it. Just wait, it's a-commin'.

What is going ON here????