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Monday, December 18, 2006

Inside/Outside- Week 28

So we broke down and paid for another ultrasound. But this time, we found a 3D/4D ultrasound place by our home. Why have another ultrasound? Well, first...I really, really wanted to make sure there is DEFINITELY a girl in there. If I need to return super girly furniture and clothes, I want to know now and not post-partum. Plus, I just really wanted to see what she looks like.
And we got an eyeful!! In case you're wondering- oh yes, it is definitely a girl!!!

So here's what my outsides look like:

Good God I look huge!

Um, yes, I am sure there is only one in there.

Here's what's going on inside all of that:

Oh sleepy face has exhausted herself using my insides as a punching bag!!

Yes, that is one open eye, hiding behind a hand and arm. Look at those cheeks already!!

Isn't technology amazing?

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