Sophia arrived on March 10, 2007 at 8:33pm, weighing 7 lbs and 8 oz. She has a head full of red hair and big blueberry blue eyes.

For those who are interested, I'm going to summarize Sophia's arrival. If you don't want to know- then skip this part and keep scrolling down for more pictures.
On March 9, I had a dr. appt., where I was basically informed that this baby would not be arriving any time soon and a date was reserved for an induction. I left the doctor's office, ran some errands, cleaned my home and then went for a walk. I "was" planning on going to the grocery store, but later decided I would do it over the weekend (this becomes more relevant later).
So I went for my 3 mile walk, came home, cleaned the house some more and eventually settled in for the evening. The Husband was at work, and following work, he was going to go to the gym. The Husband decides to stop at home to change for the gym.
Now, many of you haven't seen my house, so you don't know how small the house and garage are. In order for both of our cars to fit into the garage, I pull in on the right, and The Husband BACKS IN on the left. I know now that The Husband does not typically check my side of the garage when pulling in (because I know how to park my car, thankyouverymuch) and only checks the wall. He failed to notice that my car was parked smack dab in the middle of the garage (because I WAS going to go to the grocery store, I swear I was). So he hit my car. Big ole dent in the bumper. This upsets The Husband a great deal, and he comes into the house in somewhat of a panic- yelling, saying something about the garage and why did you...blah, blah, blah.
I just hear the panic in his voice and essentially jump off the couch and run to the back of the house to see what's the matter. Note to self: big ole preggo ladies should not be running and/or jumping under any circumstances. My actions caused me to pull an abnominal muscle- OUCH.
The Husband winds up being much more upset than I am over the car. It's a bumper, we'll get it fixed, no big deal. However, my pulled muscle really hurts, so I take a bath and fall asleep watching TV. I went to bed around 11pm. As I was drifting off to sleep, I felt the weirdest sensation in my lower abnominal area. I told The Husband: I think that was a real contraction- before I drifted off to sleep.
Oh and it was a real contraction. I felt them on and off in my sleep, and eventually got out of bed at 12:44 am to start timing. By 6:30am, the contractions were 4-6 minutes apart and 1 minute long. We left for the hospital and were admitted arount 7:30am. The Husband and I had decided to enlist the services of a doula. A doula is basically a professional labor coach. Her name is Diana. She met us at the hospital around 7:30.
Unfortunately, my labor did not progress as quickly as I or the doctors would have liked. To make a long, detailed story short- after 12 hours, I opted to ease the pain and speed things up with help from modern medicine. This allowed me to get some very badly needed sleep (ok, only about 2 hrs or so, but I had only slept 2 hours in the past 30, so this was a big deal to me). Approximately 12 hours after leaving our home for the hospital, it was time to have Sophia enter the world. In the room were the doctor and nurses, The Husband and Diana. I felt that I had wonderful support emotionally from The Husband and fantastic labor support from Diana. Overall, it was a very positive experience. I may not have been the experience I thought I wanted, but that's ok. Everyone is happy and healthy and that's all that truly matters in the end.

Uncle Sean comes to visit.

After Baby's first bath.