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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

They had three, it's a magic number...

Sophia's first two weeks have gone by so quickly. At first, she didn't know her days from her nights. She thought that 2am was the most ideal time to get up and fuss, and day time was the best time to catch up on her sleep. Slowly, ever so slowly, we've been convincing her that this is not the case. She's starting to sleep more and more at night. The Husband and I have even been so fortunate to sleep 3 or 4 hours at a stretch. How luxurious!!

The Husband turns out to be a natural Daddy. He is a champion swaddler. He made every nurse in the hospital who came into contact with us show us their own technique. Only he can swaddle Sophia in a manner that she cannot break free from. He is also an excellent diaper changer. In fact, he volunteers to do the poopy diaper duty- which I appreciate immensely. He just thinks it's hilarious when Sophia isn't quite done being "done" and poots or poops all over him. Getting pooted on is a funny high point of his day. He's going to be a great Daddy- making sure she has "tummy time" and has already started to spend time reading to her.

Sophia is thriving- gaining weight like a champ. I've lost all the pregancy weight already- plus a pound or two. So together, we look pretty good. Sophia has even started to smile. Mostly because of gas, or when she's happy and full from eating. We're working on getting a picture of her smile- it's amazingly cute. She'll be a poster child for something, just you wait.

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