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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

My Baby Is Seven Months Old

The last few weeks have been fairly quiet. Sophia still only has 2 teeth, but they have come in more. She caught her first cold from one of the kids with whom she goes to day care. The sick kid, her parents insisted that she wasn't sick at all. She was just "teething." Teething that causes your nose to run and to cough. Well, Sophia caught "the teething." Then the Husband and I both caught "the teething." This teething disease we have going around here is a real pain. Sophia has had "the teething" for two weeks now.

Sophia is still very vocal- lots of sounds "ma ma" "da da" and other things. She still isnt' crawling yet, but she's realy thinking about it. She scoots around the kitchen on her belly, and every now and then gets up on all fours. She's not there yet, but she's close.

So Sophia's new big girl thing is that she takes baths in the real tub now as she has outgrown the baby tub. She's doing really well, as she can sit up really well now. As you can imagine, its made for some really cute pictures. So here's some pics from the last two weeks of September. I'll post October pictures later.

Now, here's why I love this picture. Everyone says how much Sophia looks like me. I think it's the coloring- she has my hair, skin and eyes (more or less). But in this picture- this is the Husband's face. My eyebrows can't move like this, and this is totally a look the Husband would shoot me.

It's like she's saying- what ARE you talking about, lady??

She is sooo happy!!!

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