Sophia is crawling all over the house now, but still a military style crawl. She contemplates getting up on her hands and knees, but we're still not there.
Sophia has a cold-again. This one is not as bad as the last one, but it was making for some rough nights. She's just very congested, so breathing can be difficult. Needless, if the baby doesn't sleep- no one sleeps. Daddy did manage to get her to go down- and himself as well.
Ok, the new "it" baby thing are these things called "Baby Legs." All the mommy chat boards are a-blaze about who has what pattern, and how many pairs they have blah-blah-blah. What are "Baby Legs"? They are little baby leg warmers, oh so fabulously "She's a maniac" and all that. Anyhoo, the husband saw them online, and thought they were cute, and we ordered a pair. And for the record, my kid is sooo flashdance in these things. Take that Jennifer Beals.
Now that Thanksgiving is passed, it's time to turn our efforts to Christmas, specifically, our Chirstmas card. Now, the Husband and I have had some killer cards in years past. But since this is Sophia's first card, we really want to make this year's card special. Naturally, we want a photo card so everyone can see how big she is.
So I find and order this fancy dress and get her all dressed up and we are READY to take some pictures outside. And by "ready" I mean only the Husband and I- as Sophia was not having this one bit. She was much more interested in eating the leaves on the ground.
The Husband gets this bright idea- let's stand her up and have her hold onto the tree and that way we'll get this really great picture. When he says this to me, I think this sounds like a pretty good idea. Ok, go ahead. Stand her up. Little tree hugging California born baby wants to eat the damn thing.
On to Plan 2- The Beach. Very Southern California- No? I still can't believe I was at the beach 2 days after Thanksgiving. As you can see, it was basically glorious. Sunny, low 70's and not a cloud in the sky. This was Sophia's first real trip to the beach. She went with the Husband and her Granny when she was about 9 weeks old, but slept thru the entire experience. This time, we had to stop her from eating sand. (The kid wants to put EVERYTHING in her mouth.)
Is everyone looking down my shirt??
These are just a few pictures. The best of the group will be shared later (shhhh, top secret!!)
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