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Saturday, December 29, 2007

Early presents...Sophia still hates Santa

So, as everyone knows, The Husband and I both work full time. This means Sophia goes to day care. Everyday, she is dropped off at someone's house and is picked up in the early evening. The person who watches Sophia arranged for Santa to pay an early visit to San Diego.

Yeah, my kid still hates Santa. This time, she even tried to run away when I set her down at his feet.

Sophia also received some early gifts from her Granny and Grampy (and Skippy!) Because we had plans to spend Christmas in Chicago with my family, The Husband decided that his family Christmas could be celebrated early- by opening gifts more than a week early! Right now, Sophia is more interested in the wrapping and tissue paper than the gifts.

Granny and Grampy sent books, flashcards and toys. I know Sophia is going to love playing with all of it.

I love the adventures of Olivia..

Daddy shows her how to open presents

What's more interesting, paper..or the tree?

The best present I received all year....

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