Not surprisingly, my mom bought Sophia a TON of presents. She was definitely the person most excited about Sophia's first Christmas. She bought Sophia so much stuff- --that I only bought mah child 2 presents. I figured- the kid doesn't need anything else.
But there one was present that my mother was besides herself with excitment over. Months before Christmas, my mother came across a pony at a store. It's a rocking pony that sort of looks like a shetland. It "neighs" and has a real looking saddle and shakes its tail and everything. My mother was so entertained when she found it, she called me up to tell me about it- but she was laughing so hard that I couldn't understand a word she was saying. She was so excited about giving Sophia this pony, she started asking on the 23rd- can we give her the pony now? How about now? Can we show her the pony yet? Now? Howaboutnow?
OK! Let's give her the pony!
Sophia's reaction was pretty funny. At first, she didn't want much to do with this thing. But she warmed up to it pretty quick.
Sophia is not really enthused about the pony.
Forget this pony business, where's my singing snowman?
Hey! I like this thing !
As most people who read this blog know- Christmas in Chicago usually means freezing cold temperatures and snow. In preparation for this, I found Sophia the cutest pink snowsuit and I was completely excited at the thought of her wearing it. Growing up in the midwest means pictures of babies eating of babies next to of babies trying to make snow angles....the thoughts of all the adorable pictures I was going to take of mah beh-beh in the worlds cutest pink snowsuit was just making me drunk with anticipation.
Right about a week before we're all set to go to Chicago, it gets dumped on with snow. It's so bad that my mom is all worried the snow will continue and somehow ruin my trip. Fortunately...that was not the case. Unfortunately, it REALLY wasn't the case.
After getting over a foot of snow, Chicago experienced a slow, but steady warm up that melted nearly all the snow. Mind you, I said "nearly"- not all. This is what was left in my mother's front yard.
How completely lame. It was so warm, The Husband and I were outside taking these pictures and we had no coats or hats on. I think it was 45 degrees or something. But I was getting my pictures with my baby in that snowsuit, and I didn't care how lame the snow was ( I did, however, tell the husband that day to "hurry up before snow melts." How sad.)
Ironies of ironies, our trip ended with it snowing in Chicago. The flight was fine, early- but fine. Sophia did really well on the plane again. The Husband and I were exhaused by the time we got back to San Diego.
Snow outside the window
Sophia is not concerned at all about the snow
New Year's Eve was spent at home with just me, The Husband and Sophia. I think it was the first time since high school that I didn't go out and celebrate. But the celebration with just The Husband seemed a fitting way to close out 2007. It was a big year for us, and that's saying alot when you consider how many years we've known each other. But there was no one else in the world I wanted to say "happy new year" to when I crawled into bed (at 11pm- how completely lame!)
I look forward to all 2008 holds for us.
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